We may restart Alibaba?

Hi, world!

So, we informed that we are going to close Alibaba account before.
We did deactivated our account, and be told to wait more than 24 hours to be deactivate.
Then, we waited so and tried to check our account has been deleted completely or not.

It was still there...

We were wondering why our account has not been deleted completely and asked Alibaba about it.
They now told us that the account will NOT be deleted completely and nothing to do for it.
Anyhow, we cannot access to the current mailbox so that e-mail address need to be changed.
We asked them how to change e-mail address which we never be able to do by ourselves.
Alibaba offered us that they will change it on behalf this time.

If the e-mail address will be changed, we do not need to delete our account.
Changing e-mail address has been successfully done, we will be able to restart using Alibaba.
We may give some time for now.
We then will inform of the progress in couple days.

Thank you!