Dinner Meeting with public institution people from San Antonio, Texas

We had a great opportunity to participate the dinner meeting with public institution people from San Antonio, Texas.

The dinner meeting was held because of Sakae Casting Co,. LTD. and TEC. Co., Ltd. from HFA has been worked for it.
Our special thanks are due to them.

So, we had an opportunity to present ourselves to build a connection and start our friendship with public institution in San Antonio.

When people from San Antonio came to Hachiouji-city by bus using toll rode, there was a car accident on the other side of the rode and both rode were closed.
So that the time was running little short, but still we were glad that they could be able to visit us.

There are some companies in Hachiouji-city eager to expand their business to overseas and this kind of meeting is definitely bring better future and good way to start for expanding connection wider.

The best way to expand the connection, not only holding dinner meeting like this, small companies get together and cooperate to work as one BIG organization is also important.
These companies located near to each other, it is better to have constant meeting and talk about next project or process.
And build strong bond and friendship better and better. 

So, anyhow it was one great step to start our friendship with San Antonio people.
We should continue this friendship and help each other.

Again, we appreciate for receiving such a great opportunity and wonderful time with all people worked so hard for this dinner meeting.

And we appreciate San Antonio people made time for us and visited us.
We will definitely meet you again and keep in touch.